Age 42
Birthdate 1982-02-21
Village Budibya-Masinya
Training Location Kamuli - English Class
Family Information Charles is married to Akuku Annet and they have 3 children; Samali, Silas, and Ruth.
Charles is attending the BGM Pastor Training Program to become well equipped as a servant of God. He feels that God is calling him to shepherd His flock.
Charles spent his teenage years doing whatever would please his flesh. After a friend came to talk to him, he allowed her to share the gospel with him. She encouraged Charles to attend a church service and it was there that he gave his life to Christ. He left all of those things that he was consuming his life with and the friends that were encouraging him to live in sin. He has now allowed God to take over his life.
He says “I believed and accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior.”
Sponsoring a pastor in our Pastor Training Program allows the Pastor to attend training at no cost to him! All meals (3 meals a day), lodging, basic toiletries, training supplies and materials, teacher costs, graduation gowns, certificates, and Bible, and basic medical needs should they arise are all included. During the week each month that the pastors are at the Training Center, they are fully taken care of.