Age 28
Birthdate 1996-10-25
Village Kisozi
Training Location Kamuli - English Class
Family Information James is married to Mangalita Aisha and they have 2 children; Lewis and Darrell.
James is attending the BGM Pastor Training Program to learn more about sound doctrine. He feels that God is calling him be a pastor.
James grew up Muslim and was always told that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God. He was living a rebellious life, hanging out with the wrong crowd, and drinking alcohol. Now that he has received Christ as his Savior, he has new friends who also love Jesus. He is working on his knowledge of the Bible so that his can share it with others.
He says “I received Jesus Christ as my Savior!”
Sponsoring a pastor in our Pastor Training Program allows the Pastor to attend training at no cost to him! All meals (3 meals a day), lodging, basic toiletries, training supplies and materials, teacher costs, graduation gowns, certificates, and Bible, and basic medical needs should they arise are all included. During the week each month that the pastors are at the Training Center, they are fully taken care of.