Age 27
Birthdate 1996-12-25
Village Ndalike
Training Location Kamuli - Luganda Class
Family Information Mwase is married to Tumwebaze Sandra and they have 2 children together; Janipha, and Mikia.
Mwase is attending the BGM Pastor Training Program to learn sound doctrine. He feels that God is calling him to become a pastor.
Mwase was a Muslim who previously would beat and abuse those who came to tell him about Christ. He says he did this so that he could be rewarded by Allah. One day a preacher came to his mother’s home, shared the gospel with her, and she was saved. Mwase say nearby listening to all that was being said. His mother had been suffering from a disease, and after giving her life to Christ, she was healed. Mwase said “When I saw that God heals, I saw the God who is greater than Allah, so from that day forward I have believed in Jesus Christ!”
Sponsoring a pastor in our Pastor Training Program allows the Pastor to attend training at no cost to him! All meals (3 meals a day), lodging, basic toiletries, training supplies and materials, teacher costs, graduation gowns, certificates, and Bible, and basic medical needs should they arise are all included. During the week each month that the pastors are at the Training Center, they are fully taken care of.