Mwase Fred - Sponsor Now

Mwase Fred

Age 48

Birthdate 1976-08-01

Village Mafubira

Training Location Kamuli - English Class

Family Information Fred is married to Nangobi Hope and they have 5 children; Claudia, Trophaaus, Theodosius, Destiny, and Christabel.

Fred is attending the BGM Pastor Training Program to learn more to be a better minister of the word. He feels that God is calling him to be a pastor and disciple his congregation.

After being mistreated by his stepmother, Fred decided to leave home and live on the streets. Some family members had sympathy for him and covered his school fees so he could continue his education. Much time was spent with him in discipleship, counseling, and mentoring and he realized his need for salvation. He accepted Christ after running from the truth of the word for most of his teenage years. Now he wants more knowledge of the word so he can follow God’s will for his life.


Sponsoring a pastor in our Pastor Training Program allows the Pastor to attend training at no cost to him!  All meals (3 meals a day), lodging, basic toiletries, training supplies and materials, teacher costs, graduation gowns, certificates, and Bible, and basic medical needs should they arise are all included.  During the week each month that the pastors are at the Training Center, they are fully taken care of.